About Kingdom Construction Services

A Kingdom Motivation for Service & Excellence

“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.”
The Apostle Paul (Galatians 5:13)

The name of the company stands as a basis for the motivation behind our work. We work for the building of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ through construction.   

People hire us to perform work. People that are beloved by God. In turn, we desire to show that love through serving them, listening, caring for them in any way, even if it is inconvenient to our work goals.

We desire to represent God as we work in people’s homes. We give the Holy Spirit permission to direct us, or urge us toward opportunities to bring wholeness or restoration to broken situations that we enter as workers through listening, praying for people, or even just through respecting them.

Jesus was a Carpenter. He probably assessed jobs, figured out what they were going to cost, and performed the work if the person was willing to pay the cost. He probably performed some work free of charge as well. In the bigger picture, He assessed us, figured out what was needed to restore us to wholeness, and paid the cost Himself. Now, He is constantly working on our souls with patience and grace to restore us to the destiny that the Father always had for us from the moment He conceived us as an idea in His mind before time began. We want to be as Jesus was as carpenters and introduce people to Him as the Master Carpenter of Men. This must be more important than our physical work load and schedule.

As for the need for things to do, jobs, provision, etc. we as a company believe that God is Jehovah-Jireh, God the Provider. He will supply enough for us. And the excess that He gives, may we have the heart to give back.

Meet the Kingdom Construction Team

Experience and Service Make all the Difference

We have over 80 combined years of experience in the realm of construction within our team. We have completed 612 projects and counting in our 6 years of business. We have completed projects ranging from a few hours to a few months.

Years of experience in the construction industry

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Projects in 6 years
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Service Partners and Suppliers
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Wendell Bauman


Morgan Zimmerman

General Manager/Sales/Project Manager

Mark Petersheim


John Zimmerman

Project Manager

Jeremy Esh


Brandon Wagler

Sales/Project Manager

Company Values

  • God
    We seek to honor our Creator and Father with our lives and through our actions. We seek to reflect His Glory!
  • Family
    We seek to honor our Creator and Father with our lives and through our actions. We seek to reflect His Glory!
  • Friends & People
    We aim to value everyone as God does.
  • Work Ethic
    Our goal is to apply ourselves to what we are doing as much as we are able while maintaining a high standard of quality. ​
  • Safety
    We value safety so that we can prevent pain or loss.
  • Respect & Listening Ears
    It is important to our company to hear and acknowledge people. This means listening about your project and your life too!

Download Five Common Challenges Homeowners Face During Renovations

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